Configuration Examples

In order to get these various components to work well together, some very specific configurations must be in effect. If you leave even one trivial item unchanged, I cannot be responsible for failure. You have been warned. On the other hand, nearly everything is optional as long as you realize that you will have to change the regular expressions in the popAuth3 source code to match your specific configuration. In particular, just be sure that the reject message that is passed through syslog matches an appropriate regular expression in popAuth3, otherwise nothing will happen.


First and foremost, the SMTP daemon must be up and running. Without it, all of this is pointless. Aside from some obvious alteration (to disguise actual domains and users and to remove my white lists), these are my active postfix configuration files. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO! The order of the entries in the smtpd_*_restrictions classes is very important!

Note: These configuration files are heavy against UCE (I believe it is far better to drop a spammer's connection mid-session than to willfully accept an entire spam message and later identify it with a post-session filter). To use these files on your own server, you will have to be careful to update them to match your environment. For example, change all instances of IP Address "" (and portions thereof) to match your server's external IP Address, and all instances of "domain1.tld" to your actual domain name. domain2.tld through domain7.tld are present for your reference -- in abundance -- to extensively illustrate how to deal with multiple virtual domains.


There is no separate configuration file for vm-pop3d as you are required to compile your settings into the vm-pop3d.h source file and recompile to make changes. Just be sure that postfix and vm-pop3d agree on where the user mailbox files will be stored, and in what format. While this is not favorable to non-programmers, other programmers can certainly appreciate that this was the "easy way" to offer customizability to the program. (You may notice that the popAuth3 source also requires user settings be changed in the source code rather than an external configuration file. If prodded enough, I will work on an update to separate the configuration from the source.)

popauth3 - Alternate Authentication Regular Expressions

This is a list of regular expressions either determined by myself or submitted to me by other popauth3 users. These are listed by software and version because there is no guarantee that an alternate of either will use the same authentication line. If you have developed your own regular expression(s) for popAuth3, please send them to me (see obfuscated e-mail address in the page address below) for inclusion here!

Version: courier-imap version with courier-authlib version 0.56.20050702
Log Capture: Jul 12 21:28:32 mailhost imapd: LOGIN, user=user@domain.tld, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Jul 12 21:33:48 mailhost imapd-ssl: LOGIN, user=user@domain.tld, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Jul 12 22:30:23 mailhost pop3d: LOGIN, user=user@domain.tld, ip=[]
Jul 12 21:46:12 mailhost pop3d-ssl: LOGIN, user=user@domain.tld, ip=[]
Regular Expression: /^([A-Za-z]+\s+\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+) \w+ (imapd-ssl|imapd|pop3d-ssl|pop3d)\: LOGIN, user=([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)\@([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]), ip=\[(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\]/
Contributing Authors: William Kimball
Problems with this page can be reported via e-mail to: <popauth3 at kimballstuff dot com>
Last modified: $Date: 2006-01-13T12:30:12+07:00$

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